Focused on Business, Driven by Results

ShadowLens: A Trusted Adviser For Your Data & User Cyber-security Projects

At ShadowLens, we possess the relevant industry experience and knowledge to guide you through the complex process of choosing the right solutions to ensure the complete security of your organisation’s security requirements. With decades of experience and comprehensive awareness of the industry, we have direct access to the best solutions attainable on the market.

Cyber Security Compliance

Solutions To Fit Your Business Requirements

Selection Processes & Criteria For Your Specific Technology Requirements

ShadowLens can help develop the right internal processes and identify the most appropriate technology and solution, tailored to the individual needs of each business unit within your organisation.

The Right Technology At The Right Price

Consolidation & Simplification Of Technology Purchases & Renewals

We offer end-to-end strategic guidance to take your organisation from initial supplier recommendations right through to technology management. This will result in significant reduction of costs and provide improved and simplified business planning.

User & Data Security Framework Development

Complete User & Data Project Implementation Strategies

The security of your organisation’s data and intellectual property shouldn’t be left to chance. ShadowLens can provide strategic advice and services to establish a ground-up user and data security framework tailored to individual business requirements.

Cyber-Security Consulting Services

Risk, Insider Threat, Classification, Compliance, Deception & Exfiltration

At ShadowLens, we draw on decades of cyber-security experience to assist in navigating the complicated world of securing the cyber-security ecosystem of your organisation. Utilising technology focused on data and user protection, we identify organisational risk to ensure you meet industry best practice, adhere to global compliance regulations and that your critical data is protected and secure.

Data Compliance Services

Simplified Approach To Data Compliance to Global Standards

We offer data analysis and reporting specific to your industry and global regional compliance laws. This allows clients to have visibility of where your data resides, where it is going and ensures it is always protected.
ASD Essential Eight

Classification Projects

Fast Track Compliance and Document Control

ShadowLens partners with industry leading classification technology vendors to safeguard your critical data at all times. Ensure you speak with us prior to progressing down lengthy and sometimes unnecessary classification projects. Our technologies can achieve the fastest return on investment when it comes to protecting data.


Application Vulnerability Assessments

Ongoing Risk Exposure Assessments For Multiple Threat Vectors

We offer comprehensive application security analytic services that help identify malicious code within web hosted and custom-built applications to detect threats and exploits that could lead to compromised systems and organisational environments. Mostly, target for the attacks are database administration tools, content management system and SaaS application.

Cyber Security Consulting

Digital Risk Protection

Identifying Risk and Threat to Your Organisation Assets:

Organisations should protect themselves in the digital age as threat intelligence plays a vital role in an effective DRP program. Organisation must go further than traditional threat intelligence to protect themselves from risk across digital media platforms such as social media, deep and dark web. The four key stages of DRP:

  • Map: Knowing your attack surface
  • Monitor: Detecting threat events
  • Mitigate: Applying patches, controls, IP blacklisting and more
  • Manage: Managing last 3 steps and optimizing the process

Our Methodology and Approach

We use several security testing techniques and tools to analyse the critical components of web-based portals, software code, infrastructure and application service platforms. Vulnerabilities are typically the result of a lack of input/output sanitization which can be exploited to gain unauthorized access. We can help you to find vulnerabilities and attack vectors including:

  • SQL Injection
  • Cross Site Scripting
  • Remote file Inclusion
  • Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF)

and many more.

Benefit of Engaging With ShadowLens

ShadowLens is a leading application Security Company with a full range of services specialising in application threat detection, security assessment and implementing application security strategies for your organisation. We assist with deployment of application security software, perform web application penetration testing and security assessments. Our consultants are experts in the field of cyber security to perform assessments and provide the best outcome to our clients. Contact us at

Data Monetisation – Analytics & Big Data

Internal Decision Making, Improved Customer Experience, Strategy Development & Development Of Customer Propositions

From data comes insights which enable businesses to make decisions and take appropriate actions to achieve and drive positive outcomes throughout all areas of business. Regardless if you are a small, medium or large enterprise, you require a data strategy that will provide value to your customers, your business and drive your growth. This section explores some of our use cases and capabilities.


Organisational Optimisation & Efficiency

Control Your Data For Smarter Business

Utilise the big data your company already has access to through everyday processes when conducting business with your customers and clients. When leveraged intelligently, we can uncover useful patterns and trends that can lead to the streamlining of operations and optimisation of your company’s resources. Data optimisation and analytics ensures better returns by enhancing and supporting business collaboration and discussions.

Data-driven Cross-Sell, Up-sell & Contextual Analytics

Improved Customer Experience, Decreased Cart Abandonment, Increased Sales

Delve deep into the analytics regarding your sales history in order to identify past purchase trends, reduce cart abandonment, increase customer loyalty, improve customer experience, build your client or customer list and improve your sales.

Predictive AI for Buyer Demand & Inventory Analysis

Allow The Data To Drive Your Inventory Management

Understanding the needs of your customers, their purchase intent and where they’re located in the buyer’s journey are some of the most effective ways of managing your inventory. Solutions driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI) make the most of your real-time feeds and data lakes so you can scan data, identify anomalies and trends and flag relevant/potential issues for further attention. By having the right analytics solutions in place, your company is in a better position to gain the right customer insight, free up your working capital, predict demand and create business value. At ShadowLens, we can show you how.

Cyber Security Consulting Services
Customer Analysis

Quantitative & Qualitative Customer Analysis

Triangulation of data with multiple data sources for improving customer experience

Merge data collected from numerous customer touch-points in order to gain powerful insights into device usage, purchase trends and search behaviours, and transform it into actionable analytics for helping you to increase sales and prevent consumer churn.

IoT Analytics

Connecting, managing and optimising IoT data

Leverage the power of real-time data collected through our IoT (Internet of Things) analytics solutions in order to: uncover device data and user patterns, transform reporting and monitoring, better predict outcomes, apply insights to take the right action and optimise IoT device performance.